The Merredin CRC is very excited to be bringing you fortnightly news with The Phoenix.
We are sure that the community would agree with the CRC that it was sad to see the close of the Merredin Wheatbelt Mercury in December 2015 after 103 years. The community needs an avenue to find out the news, community and regional information and a medium to express their views and concerns and that is why the CRC has made the decision to fill this gap. |
Online Subscriptions
Subscribe online and receive our fortnightly editions for the selected amount of time. New editions will be uploaded online at the time of its published release. Subscribers will be emailed the password to open the file. Please return the completed form to staff by email, fax or handing it into the office.
The Phoenix Newspaper has a large set of options for getting your ad into our paper. The Phoenix has been based of a modular design so it is simple to read and easy to get your advert in the paper quicker. There are options for General Advertising (image to the right), a Trades Section offering affordable long term options, a Display Ad option more suited for commercial and government, and a classifieds section for General Lineage adverts. If you would like to advertise in the Phoenix Newspaper, please get in touch with staff by contacting us. Download the pdf file below to view advertising rates and other information. Contact Shaynah for more information on [email protected].
Deadlines for Articles and Advertisements
The Phoenix Newspaper is coordinated by a small group of very hard working staff members. With such a big task on our hands, running on time is crucial. Deadlines for the paper ensure we are meeting our publication times and we are able to have the Phoenix in all of its glossy goodness on the shelves on time.
We ask that everyone submit content before the deadlines. To the left is a table of all our upcoming edition and the corresponding deadlines. |